Joseph P Macolino

Husband, Father,

and Seeker of Truth

Scribe of Epic High Fantasy

Husband, father, and seeker of Truth, Joseph P Macolino embraces the age old sentiment of fantasy as a form of escapism. Recognizing the shackles of humanity, he uses his world of Evorath to allow readers to explore a magical world of intrigue, adventure, and amazement.

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Introducing My New Blog

October 25, 20233 min read

“Not only are bloggers suckers for the remarkable, so are the people who read blogs .” - Seth Godin


Getting Back to Blogging

Hello again internet. Over the years, I've spent a substantial amount of time blogging. Whether it was for my old personal website (which used to live at this same domain), for Evorath's blog, or for the homesteading brand I help my wife with, The Silly Couple.

But no matter where I was writing, I was always doing it for the wrong reason. You see, the internet is full of so-called "experts" that tell you what you're "supposed" to do to get an audience. Over the past few years, as I've focused on bringing Evorath back to life (which is going quite well), I've come to belief these "experts" don't know what they are talking about.

Sharing What Matters to Me

You see, I've always tried to blog as if I was a marketer trying to win someone over. I'd tailor my content to fit what I believed people wanted to read. I'm not doing that anymore. Instead, I intend to use this blog platform to do a few key things. In no particular order, these things are:

  • Providing news and updates about the world of Evorath.

  • Sharing insights into my writing process, world-building, and other aspects of fictional writing.

  • Spreading the truth of peace, love, and community.

What Should You Expect

I'm not ready to commit to a specific posting cadence quite yet. But my plan now is to have something figured out by the end of this year (2023). January 2024, I will share updates on how I intend to use this blog, my posting cadence, and what more you can expect. I can say now that this blog may be interesting to two types of people.

The first type of person is the writer, author, or fantasy reader who is curious about how a world like Evorath comes to be. I'll be sharing more details and information than ever before on what has gone into my world-building, how I develop fully fleshed out characters, and how I structure and plan my books (and series).

Of course, the second type of person probably identifies as a lifelong student. Someone who believes humanity can be much more than it is. Someone who sees injustice, tyranny, authoritarianism, and recognizes it's time we leave behind our archaic ways. Through cooperative, voluntary communities and showing love to our neighbors, we can build a better world.

What About Evorath?

For now, keep in mind that I recently had the 2nd novel in my Evorath trilogy published. Released July 2023, this story is just the beginning of what Evorath has to offer. In fact, I am currently writing Book 1 of my Legends of Evorath series, which will be at least 4 novels long and will help unfold more of Evorath's medieval history.

Book 3 of the Evorath Trilogy, titled The Battle for Erathal, is due for release in February 2024. And I can share now that the next blog post you see here will likely be a cover reveal and announcement on the exact release date (it's already on the books, but who doesn't love a bit of suspense).

For now, I just thank you for reading and being here. Stay tuned for more, and make sure your voice is heard.

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Joseph P Macolino

Author of Evorath

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